Secret rooms and a supply of wine: Americans bought an old house with secrets

Today, 00:45

A couple had bought a 130-year-old house and were settling in when they received a letter from Canada from “the last surviving member of the Madison family.” The man told them about the secret places hidden in the house.

The mysterious sender told Courtney and Matt about some features of the house that they didn’t know about. “I wanted to tell you about the secret rooms and a few things that you may not have been told about when you bought the house,” the “last of the Madison clan” wrote.

The first such secret place was a cabinet with a bunch of old wine and other drinks. A secret bar was hidden behind a mirrored panel above the fireplace. When Matt lifted the latch with some difficulty, he saw an unopened 1970 French rosé, a 1989 cabernet sauvignon, and old bottles of bourbon, beer, and cream sherry.

But that wasn't the only surprise the couple found in the old house. Following the directions in the letter, they discovered two secret rooms. One of them was extremely small and looked more like a closet. The secluded corner turned out to be a "creepy attic room" with pipes, which doesn't even have a proper entrance: to get there, you need to pull out several pieces of wood from the wall.

The second secret room was behind a door - this room was larger and, as the current owner of the house assumed, the children probably liked it. In these secret closets, they found an old music box playing the Mendelssohn march, books, and a letter that fell out of the wall.

The couple shared all of these finds on TikTok, where about 2 million users followed the unique tour of the house. It is known that Courtney and Matt purchased the house from the Historical Society. According to the contract, they are not allowed to undertake major renovations, and they do not want to remodel the house, which has so many interesting details. The couple does not disclose the location of the amazing home.

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