The couple found a secret hiding place in the wall of the previous owners of the house (3 photos + 1 video)

1 July 2024

The Aucamp family from the USA made an unexpected discovery after a strong storm when their basement was completely flooded.

Katie and her husband Roy Aucamp had only been in their new home in New Jersey (USA) for two days when they encountered flooding after a severe storm. When the couple was removing water-damaged items from the basement, they made a very strange discovery.

Roy, 52, wanted to throw away the soaked piece of drywall, but when he took it out, an endless stream of empty Captain Morgan rum bottles poured out of the recess.

Katie laughed and asked her beloved, who looked very confused: “Are you thirsty? But no, it’s only five o’clock!”

The woman later posted a video on Instagram, noting that after a heavy rainfall, their house was knee-deep in water because the drainage system could not cope with such a large amount of rainfall.

“This is what we found in the basement walls when we removed the damaged drywall,” she wrote.

The strange discovery attracted the attention of hundreds of thousands of people on social networks. Someone started joking, quoting the words of Melvin's famous song "99 Bottles of Beer."

"99 bottles of rum in the wall";

“Someone clearly has a problem with alcohol”;

“It seems that someone was very afraid of his wife”;

“It would be better if these bottles were full”;

"You bought the house from Captain Morgan himself."

Katie later commented that “everything was back to normal” when the previous owner of the house finally contacted her.

“He saw this video after it went viral, contacted me and said that this is not a sensation, because there are hundreds of similar videos on the Internet. He also added that he has not drunk for three years,” noted the author of the video.

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