A couple of students bought an island in Finland (6 photos + 1 video)

19 September 2024

A couple of students found an entire island for sale at an attractive price. The young people bought it and are now improving it with their own hands.

Oliver and Helen dreamed of their own plot of land with a house and suddenly, among many offers, they unexpectedly came across an advert for the sale of an island. They didn’t think long and for 28 thousand euros they became the owners of 1 hectare of land in the Finnish wilderness.

According to Oliver, the real estate agent told him that no one had set foot on this land for ten years. There is nothing here yet except trees, but the guys have already set up a large "tent" with a bed and made an extension with a shower. Supplies are delivered by boat.

Next, the couple plans to work on the pier, and then build a house near the shore. In addition, a bathhouse is in the plans.

Despite the skepticism of friends and acquaintances, Oliver is confident in his decision.

Would you dare to do something like this? new purchase?)

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