Lady Gaga for the first time responded to her envious people, who claimed from school that she would not become popular (4 photos)

19 September 2024

It looks like the envious people have lost.

Singer Lady Gaga has responded for the first time to posts in a Facebook group created by her classmates while studying at an art school. The group, "Stefani Germanotta [Gaga's real name], you will never be famous," existed for over 15 years online. Since Lady Gaga became popular, the group has been remembered periodically on social networks. But it looks like Gaga's classmates have already lost this battle.

The group is closed, there are only 12 people in it. These are the same, the first and old haters who threw mud at Gaga during their studies. The community was full of comments like "Who does she think she is?" or "All she wants is to draw attention to herself." The authors of the group even published photos in which they trampled on Lady Gaga's photos.

Lady Gaga has not commented on the appearance of this group all this time. But then a video appeared on the Internet in which a screenshot with the name of the group is compared with the awards that Gaga has been awarded during her career.

The singer herself also left a comment under the TikTok.

"Some of the people I went to college with went through this journey at one point. That's why you can't give up when people doubt you or put you down - you have to keep moving," Gaga wrote.

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