A Nissan with a driver was thrown off a bungee and set a Guinness record (1 photo + 1 video)

Yesterday, 17:37

Nissan Qashqai entered the Guinness Book of Records for the highest bungee jump by a car. The car was lifted to a height of 65 meters and dropped down.

To perform the stunt, the crossover was placed in a special "cage", which was designed to support the weight of the car in a horizontal position and at an angle of 45 degrees. Before the jump, everything was removed from the car except the driver's seat and the dashboard.

French racer and stuntman Laurent Lasco was driving the car. The crane lifted the platform with the car to a height of 65 meters, after which the crane operator opened the "cage", and the Qashqai went into free fall. For safety, the car was suspended on eight belts, which allowed the speed and height of the fall to be controlled.

After the jump, Guinness World Records official Prav Patel recorded the new record. The stunt was filmed in western Paris with the participation of Nissan France, the FUSE and Nissan United agencies, and the BBC technical teams.

The jump is part of a new advertising campaign for the Nissan Qashqai, which will be launched on television this month.

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