Curious photos from the past of Great Britain (21 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 17:37

History in photographs is often more informative than long descriptions and reflections. It is simply a silent witness of what happened, an important historical and not so important event.

An ambulance for animals during World War II.

England, 1940.

This dog was very lucky, because in 1939, on the eve of the coming war, more than 750 thousand pets were destroyed in Great Britain. The government spread panic through radio broadcasts and newspapers, saying that there would not be enough food to feed the animals and began sending out instructions on how to euthanize or kill pets. People were so scared that in the first week alone, 26% of the total number of pets were exterminated.

Many later deeply regretted this and blamed the government for provoking this hysteria.

A girl in an Austin J40 pedal car, 1950s.

The Austin J40 pedal car was produced in Wales from 1950 to 1971. The car has a horn button, headlights and an opening trunk. Now such a pedal car can be bought at auction and costs about $ 6,000.

Children on the streets of London, 1954.

A farmer cleans a horse's hoof before shoeing it. Scotland, 1921.

The hoof is trimmed, a new horseshoe is being hot-fitted. Some farriers still do the same today. By the way, the horse looks like a draft horse, the good lugs on the horseshoe are visible. And the photo turned out quite impressive.

Domestic lion cubs. England, 1939.

The Mottershead sisters took the lion cubs in because the zoo could not take care of them during the war. The girls' father is the founder of Chester Zoo George, so they knew from childhood how to handle wild animals.

A street scene in London, 1930s.

It's not clear whether the dog enjoys such trips with its owner, or is stressed out waiting for the end of the trip.

And the model of the bicycle, if anyone is interested: 1930 Ariel Imperial Light Roadster.

Miners' cottages in Wales, 1952.

Mining in Wales was a significant source of income for the country's economy for much of the twentieth century. And many similar areas were built.

London Zoo. Feeding time, 1930s.

This photo reminds me of my grandfather feeding the chickens in his backyard. Only the birds are less exotic...

Alfred Hitchcock gets inspired by the River Thames, 1958.

Alfred Hitchcock is a famous British and American film director, producer, screenwriter. He made thrillers and detectives. It is difficult to say how clean the river was in the 1950s.

Fashionable motorists at the Liverpool Motor Show. 1907.

Since most cars in the early 20th century had no roof or other protection, there was very specific clothing for drivers.

Domino players in North London, 1930.

The dog is interesting. Most likely it is a Bull and Terrier (not a Bull Terrier). In a place of honor on the bar counter - fought in dog fights or drove bulls. These Londoners were hardly sentimental. So the dog brought in money.

Westminster Bridge, London, 1955

We rarely see winters like this in London these days.

A tram on the street in Glasgow. Scotland, 1960.

Double-decker trams have been running in Glasgow since the 1950s.

A milkman delivers goods to Streatham Grammar School in London, England. 1939.

In the 20th century, home delivery of milk or juice was quite popular in Great Britain.

A tattoo parlor, 1942.

In case of injury or death from the bombing, for identification purposes, tattoo artist Jack Julian puts her social security number on one leg of a young lady and her address on the other. But how can you identify her if both legs are blown off?

Foreign students in an outdoor PE lesson at the Anglo-Scandinavian Summer School at Milner Court, Starry, Kent, 1935.

A music-loving cat sings along with his owner in Worcester, England, 1959.

Siamese twins Daisy and Violet Hilton, Birmingham, England, 1932.

The sisters were born joined at the hips and buttocks. In the 1930s, they toured throughout the United States as traveling circuses.

England, circa 1950.

Brighton, England, 1966.

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