Things that make life easier: 25 examples of functional design (26 photos)

Yesterday, 17:38

The world is full of designers of all stripes: from the creative, the well-informed, and the inspired to the lazy and narrow-minded. What distinguishes truly outstanding design work is the balance between form and function, and a clear concern for the end user.

Members of the online community r/GoodDesign showcase some of the best examples of user-friendly design.

1. A bunk bed room for roommates or siblings

2. Convenient: furniture fittings are sorted by assembly stages, not by type

3. Wildlife overpass, Trans-Canada Highway, Banff National Park, Canada

4. Wooden wine case that turns into a birdhouse

5. Road signs with LED lights on the pole itself

6. Spoon with a bend on end — won’t fall into the bowl

7. Double-sided benches — you can rearrange the backrest depending on which way you want to look

8. No imposition: if you want a consultant in the store to help you, take the black basket, if you want to shop on your own — white

9. Guitar Store - You Can't Go Wrong

10. A Cat Tree That Comes With Instructions On How To Make A Cat House Out Of A Shipping Box

11. A puzzle that comes with a stand for the lid of the box

12. A tablet that can be divided into 5 mg or 7.5 mg doses depending on which side you break it

13. An airplane seat with a step so short people can reach the top shelves

14. A roof for bicycles so that the saddle does not get wet

15. A pie with the filling written on it

16. Green lights indicate which booths are free, red ones indicate which are occupied

17. Solar powered park bench with USB charging ports

18. Kitchen spatula with stand on handle

19. In the Netherlands, there are bins along bike paths that allow you to throw away trash without slowing down

20. A can of protein with a measuring pin spoons

21. Beer cooling bucket with built-in bottle opener

22. "Talking" packaging

23. Adidas pop-up shop shop)

24. Sliders in which the central button is a different color from the others - so that you can immediately fasten everything correctly

25. A wok with circles drawn on it for measuring oil

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