Hedgehog in Germany Taunted Airfield Employee and Pilots for Half an Hour (3 photos)

Yesterday, 19:16

The hedgehog decided that the best place to look for food was the runway of the Arnstadt-Alkersleben airfield.

Two pilots of the B&F FK 9 were supposed to fly to the aviation festival in Hesse after refueling, but a hedgehog suddenly stood in the way of their plane, who frankly did not care about all their plans.

The pilots contacted the dispatcher and decided to wait until the prickly one finished his business, but he was in no hurry.

Pilots Carlo Pete and Ekkehard Dirbach waiting for the hedgehog to leave the runway.

The two-legged ones had to chase the hedgehog away themselves, but it refused to leave, running quickly along the runway and completely ignoring the opportunity to go into the grass. It took almost 30 minutes to free the only runway of the airfield from the prickly predator.

"He was busy looking for food and didn't want to make room for our plane," pilot Ekkehard Dirbach said. "He eventually left, but he did so slowly and very reluctantly."

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