30 photos that show history from an unexpected angle (31 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
Today, 16:59

Old photographs are a window into the past. They allow us to see how people used to live and to feel the spirit of that era. These pictures capture moments of everyday life that are not included in official history books, but make it more alive and personal.

1. A Serbian soldier sleeping next to his father, who came to visit his son on the front lines near Belgrade, 1914/1915.

2. Family portrait after World War I

3. World War II veteran Dean McCandless, airborne. Participated in all four Allied landings (Sicily, Italy, Normandy and the Netherlands)

4. Animal therapy, 1956

5. The "Lovers of Hasanlu" died around 800 BC and were discovered in 1972. They died in an embrace or kiss, and their bodies lay in that position for 2,800 years

6. The Night Prohibition Ended in the United States, December 5, 1933

7. Girl with Prosthetic Legs, England, 1890-1910

8. Roland, a 1,800 kg elephant seal, waits for his keeper to wash him. Berlin Zoo, 1930.

9. Humor in War. Dog with glasses, cap and pipe as French soldiers pass by, 1915

10. Father faints when meeting his triplets for the first time, 1946

11. Portrait of a mother and child during the Great Depression in the United States, 1939 year

12. Two girls dancing in the street. London, 1954

13. A German immigrant girl awaits processing at Ellis Island. New York, 1926

14. Japanese-American college students being transported to an internment camp. Sacramento, 1942

15. A boy demonstrates a toy ray gun, 1950s

16. The Voronov family from the village of Spas-Ukhra, Seredinskaya Volost (Yaroslavl Region) listens to the radio for the first time, 1928 year

17. A hippie girl selling roadside flowers in Oklahoma, 1973

18. "Do Your Part! Roller Skate to Work!" Activists Promoting Gas Rationing During World War II. New York, 1940s

19. An unusual display of strength: 8-year-old bodybuilder Patricia O'Keefe carries a 200-pound man on her back, 1940

20. A portrait from the Victorian era, when women did not have their hair cut, 1860-1900.

21. The tallest man in Europe at the time (Cornelius Bruns), the fattest (Egon Cannon Erven, the Cannon Colossus), and the shortest (Chip the Dwarf) drinking and playing cards, 1913

All three are colleagues and members of a traveling circus troupe. Cannon weighs over 700 pounds (note that he is sitting on two chairs). Cornelius is 221 cm tall. Chip's height is unknown.

22. The Italian Royal Family, 1905

23. A Circus Strongwoman Holds Up a Platform with a Piano and a Pianist, 1920

24. A Circus Performer in an Aquarium Car with Crocodiles, Berlin, 1933 year

25. Licensed Beggar: It was illegal to beg without a license. New York, 1916

26. The first king of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud, with his sons Prince Faisal (left) and Prince Saud (right) in the early 1950s

27. The first interracial couple in Mississippi, August 3, 1970 years

28. Puppeteer and children's TV host Fred Rogers performs for 7-year-old Beth Asher (a girl with epilepsy after brain surgery), Baltimore, Maryland, 1987

29. The Old Cincinnati Library before demolition, 1874-1955.

30. View of the city from the Windows On The World restaurant, 1976. It was located at the top of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York

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