Boomer is a strange creature that has won the love of all residents and has become a symbol of the city (7 photos)

Yesterday, 16:59

Not a mouse, not a frog, but a strange long-tailed creature has become the unofficial mascot of a Pennsylvania town.

A peculiar monster guards the streets of the small town of New Hope in Pennsylvania. With its cosmically long tail, proudly upturned muzzle, and slightly fanged appearance, the weirdo looks like a hodgepodge of real and mythical creatures. The unusual creature is equally frightening and charming, but it has become a beloved, albeit specific, resident of the town.

Boomer, a sculpture created by local artist Dana Stewart, was temporarily installed in 2003 for the annual outdoor sculpture show in New Hope. However, people quickly fell in love with this strange sculpture and became attached to it. Local authorities decided to make the beast a permanent resident and installed it near the Delaware Canal State Park. Now Boomer is the unofficial mascot of the city.

Stewart, who lives and works just across the river from Boomer's permanent home, creates sculptures of animals and creatures that come from her imagination. Many of them, like Boomer, have elongated tails that are disproportionately long in relation to their bodies, and on their faces - strange grimaces or even slightly frightening grins. These strange in their monstrosity creatures reflect the tension between the superficial frivolity and the dark, gloomy emotions that often visit most of us.

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