Old age has won: 50-year-old woman surprised schoolgirls with her appearance (4 photos)

Today, 17:00

People can't figure out how Lee Hyo Jong manages to stay young. They rightly point out that her style of dress and her slender physique play a big role in this.

51-year-old Lee Hyo Jong, a bakery and cafe owner in Seoul, South Korea, has recently gained fame for her extremely youthful appearance and non-conformist schoolgirl-like style of dressing.

The London Bagel Museum cafe has been popular with customers for its delicious pastries and friendly atmosphere, but recently it made headlines again when photos of the owner went viral online.

Lee Hyo-Jong's age first became a hot topic on South Korean online site The Qoo after someone posted her photos along with the information that she was born in 1973.

People can't figure out how the entrepreneur manages to beat old age, but some rightly point out that her style of dress and her slender frame play a big role.

According to KoreaBoo, Lee Hyo Jung also runs a fashion store called Artist Komplex and two other cafes in Seoul — Café Highwaist and Café Layered. However, the woman manages to find time for herself in her busy schedule.

Despite the fact that journalists constantly ask the Korean woman to tell the secrets of eternal youth, she has not yet commented on her age, preferring to focus on business.

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