A shark and fishermen fight for a big fish

Yesterday, 18:56

Fishermen caught a large tuna off the coast of the United States, but it was not so easy to pull the fish out of the water. The men were thwarted by a hungry shark.

Off the coast of the American state of California, a Mako shark tried to steal a large tuna that the fishermen had managed to catch. The predatory fish appeared near the fishing vessel when the fishermen were pulling their catch out of the water. It grabbed onto it and pulled it towards itself. For some time, the fishermen and the shark pulled the fish out of the water.

The fight ended with the victory of the people, and the predator had to swim away without the catch. The incident was captured on video by one of the eyewitnesses who was on board the vessel.

Mako sharks can reach four and a half meters in length. They live in the waters of temperate and tropical seas and are considered one of the most aggressive representatives of their species.

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