Waiting and reality: a girl's attempt to knit a duckling

Category: Funny, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:51

The girl tried to crochet a cute duckling, but failed. However, there is no need to be upset, the result is still quite funny and cute.

The ambitious needlewoman from this video dreamed of crocheting a charming little duckling, but, alas, the girl's dreams were shattered by harsh reality. Having started with noble intentions to show the world a cute crocheted bird, the girl enthusiastically plunged into the creative process. However, the insidious loops and columns intertwined in a conspiracy against her. The result of her labors can be described as "Frankenstein's Monster meets Donald Duck".

Instead of a cute duckling, something resembling a Disney drake was born after an unsuccessful experiment in the laboratory of a mad scientist. A flattened muzzle, a twisted beak and eyes looking into different universes - this creation could have become the star of a horror cartoon. The final scene of this knitted drama is the bitter tears of the creator, who is probably now thinking about a career in abstract art.

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