A selection of epic fails in the kitchen (16 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
Today, 03:45

Yes, there are disappointments in life. We can't hide from fails. And kitchen failures are a classic of the genre. Probably everyone has screwed up while cooking. However, the authors of these photos... better stay away from the kitchen altogether. Just in case.

"Woke up to the fire alarm at 3am because my roommate got drunk, put a whole pack of bacon on the stove, and then fell asleep"

"My mom dropped her iPhone in the dough"

"Want to make a sandwich? Try finding the bread first. Can't you see it? And it is"

Soon, the author of the photo and his family decided to buy a new countertop.

"Lesson learned: measure the amount of liquid in the dish before turning on the stove"

The author of the photo spent too long looking for a measuring spoon and, as you understand, found it, but at the wrong time.

"The person who hit my car used a sandwich as a note"

The offender apologized to the author and even probably left his phone number to resolve the issue. But is it possible to make out anything other than the first word?

"When the wife cooks salted potatoes"

"The watermelon suddenly rolled out of the refrigerator when I was moving it to another place"

The author was probably trying to catch up with him, but the watermelon was faster.

"An open container of lemonade that landed perfectly upside down without spilling"

When you want fried potatoes, you go down to the cellar, and there you find this

"My bananas peeled themselves"

"Just look at bread to filling ratio in this sandwich"

The mixer couldn't handle it and caused a real apocalypse in the kitchen

"Forgot toast in the toaster"

"Forgot to remove the glass from the stove during cooking"

It was a tempered glass lid that folds over the stove. It gives you more counter space when you're not using the stove.

"I accidentally set fire to a plastic board because I was sure I had turned on the right burner"

How strange that at the moment of the fire the author chose to grab a mobile phone

"Just a little too much pepper"

By the way, it was potato soup.

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