The Spaniards have figured out how to meet the opposite sex in supermarkets (2 photos + 1 video)

Today, 03:45

Dating apps have become boring all over the world, young people have started to get out of the online world and into the real world in search of new free partners for one night.

Young Spaniards decided to use the local supermarket chain "Mercadona" for this purpose. Well, you can't just approach the first girl you see in the store with an offer to spend a nice night, they might get the wrong idea. So that's why a special "language" of store flirting was invented.

With the help of certain products in the cart, you can understand what a particular person is looking for. If you are open to new acquaintances, then you should put a pineapple in your cart, and if you add a salad to it, it will mean that you are looking for a partner for one night. Why a salad? It is considered a perishable product and is clearly not a symbol of a long-term relationship.

Young people use supermarkets for flirting; What you should put in your cart

According to residents of the country, people usually visit a supermarket in search of acquaintances between 7 and 8 pm. Influencer Nacho Pla conducted an experiment and went to the store at the specified time. "Oh my God, we Spaniards are so crowded, there are twice as many people as usual"

Initially, there was a theory that the supermarket management itself came up with such a PR stunt to attract as many customers as possible, but as it turned out, the increase in the number of curious people did not bring profit. People just wander around for hours with empty carts, looking for a pair.

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