A dating app with income certificates will be launched in Tokyo (3 photos)

10 June 2024

The dream of many ladies on dating sites in Japan will soon become a reality.

In Tokyo, the situation with demographics is very sad. In 2022, 15.2% fewer children were born than in 2012, and young people are in no hurry to start a family. What can we say about young people, even middle-aged people have a crisis in their relationships. The unmarried rate among 50-year-olds is the highest in the country: 32% for men and 24% for women.

This is something the local government has decided to combat and has allocated 200 million yen ($1.28 million) in its budget for fiscal year 2023 and 300 million yen for fiscal year 2024 for a dating app and other marriage promotion projects.

A dating app aimed at starting a family will be launched this summer. There are so many documents that need to be submitted during registration that the idea of ​​​​looking for a partner for one night is, in principle, not considered.

In addition to a real photograph, the user must enter passport information, a certificate of income, where he works, prove that he is not married, what education he has, and all his physical parameters. In short, there are 15 points of personal information, which in ordinary life not all partners know about each other after many years.

Local governments across Japan have launched initiatives to encourage marriage, including a partnership announced in March between Hokkaido officials and dating app operator Tapple.

Moreover, users sign a pledge that they do not intend to use the app for casual relationships. Tokyo officials said the strict requirements are necessary to prevent trust problems that plague existing dating apps.

Well, income certificates are an indicator that allows you to evaluate a potential match and help users imagine a future together.

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