Demand for Doomsday bunkers has increased in the US (5 photos)

Today, 03:45

There are just over 2 months left until the US presidential elections, and prudent Americans have begun to prepare for the results in advance.

Ron Hubbard, owner of bunker building company Atlas Survival Shelters, cheerfully reported an increase in orders for shelter construction in the past few months.

Business is booming. We build bunkers all over the place, their cost ranges from $1 million to $20,000. Most of our bunkers cost around half a million dollars, because our clients are wealthy people.

When Ron first started his business in 2011, only one or two Doomsday bunkers were sold per month, but now Hubbard's income is approaching the million dollar mark per day.

Ron Hubbard in one of his "budget" bunkers

While earlier in the comments buyers indicated that they wanted to protect themselves and their loved ones from a biological or nuclear catastrophe, terrorists, riots or terrible viruses that would certainly destroy most of humanity and not notice those who hid in the bunkers, now more and more often comments have begun to appear that people want a bunker for themselves in case of a civil war.

The average bunker from Atlas Survival Shelters sells for about $400,000 and has nine rooms.

At the same time, Hubbard says nearly half of his clients are concerned about riots and insurrections. Thirteen percent of Americans say civil war is “very likely,” and another 34 percent say it’s “likely,” according to a Marist National Poll conducted in May. Those numbers are even higher now.

The bunkers are equipped with military-grade air filtration systems that repel nuclear, biological, and chemical agents, a toilet and decontamination shower, airtight and gas-tight doors, and power supplies

A Dallas, Texas-based doomsday shelter company believes that people don't want to hide in metal boxes, but a quality bunker is a different matter. So they make the shelters as similar to regular homes as possible. The Kardashians also purchased a bunker from Atlas Survival Shelters.

Ron Hubbard said that the Middle East is a "breeding ground" for clients, his "doomsday shelters."

In addition to building underground shelters, the company reported an increase in requests from UAE residents for pseudo-bunkers. This is when they choose one room in an ordinary apartment in a high-rise building and turn it into a mini-bunker, strengthen the walls, make a strong door and install an air purification system from biological and chemical threats. In theory, this room should save the owners from shelling, tornadoes, hurricanes and other troubles.

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