In the United States began to sell mobile personal bunkers (8 photos)

23 May 2023

As they say, for the whole family.

Personal shelters in America began to be built back in the 1950s. Then they dispersed panic about the “red” threat and a possible Third world. No one doubted that it would be nuclear even after it. only cockroaches and bamboo will remain.

And there will still be those who will prepare a bunker for themselves in advance with supplies of food, drink and gas masks. Lie down there, wait out the catastrophe, and then build a new world.

Now it sounds naive and ridiculous, but then people are at full seriously prepared "cache" and stocked up on canned food. At that time and offices appeared that built personal bomb shelters and not bad made money on public phobias.

Then the hysteria subsided and people gradually came to their senses. Perhaps they realized that a nuclear war is not expected. Or maybe you figured that if something happens, they will not sit in any shelter for a long time.

But when the glorious 2020 came and crawled around the world coronavirus, the demand for asylum has jumped again. And the leader here again became USA. Rising S Bunkers estimates that during the pandemic, the number requests for this type of property increased by 2000%. Another the American player - the developer Vivos - estimates the market growth at 500%. How the director of Vivos broadcast:

Bunkers give people a sense of control over situation, feeling that they can fend for themselves. Newfound The popularity of shelters reflects a general trend towards increased preparedness for natural disasters and other potential force majeure events. Behavior, that used to seem paranoid, such as stockpiling food, in light of the ongoing pandemic, looks normal, and sometimes even useful.

Well, the owner of Survival Realty Brokerage Services Jonathan Rawls, and at all assured gullible fellow citizens, there is nothing better than a bunker:

People looking for any opportunity to secure a secure future for themselves and their families in social, political, racial, religious. And part this strategy may be the construction of a bunker.

Mobile bunker from Mammoth Overland

The pandemic is over, and the passion of Americans for bunkers - No. Now they are offered to buy a mobile version: with a counter Geiger, weather station, satellite internet, cleaning system air, a drone complete and with a bunch of other bells and whistles.

For example, there is a kitchen with a sink and two burners. And There is a bear repellent spray. When they appear, you need to press button and a jet of smelly spray will burst out of the bunker, which will disperse clubfoot.

Such a miracle costs $67,000. And for an additional $25,000, you can order a bulletproof lining.

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