500 people with 1 face – all got plastic surgery like the blogger (5 photos)

Today, 03:45

Soon we will all wear a fashionable face, like we wear the fashionable strawberry color of some season. Because in China it is already happening now. More than 500 girls have had plastic surgery to match the face of a famous blogger.

I marked with arrows those who turned out especially well as copies

Who everyone decided to copy

In China, the so-called "baby face" is highly valued (and this trend makes me feel uncomfortable). A baby face must have big eyes, plump lower eyelids and a small chin, which gives the face a youthful and innocent look.

And 30-year-old blogger Wang Jing from Zhejiang Province has done a surprisingly good job of undergoing such surgeries to achieve a baby face.

She really did look 10 years younger, and immediately became a celebrity thanks to her videos telling about her plastic surgery experience, as well as about how she dresses. She has 940,000 subscribers on Douyin.

They won't deny it, plastic surgery in China is no worse than in South Korea

She said that she spent more than a million yuan on surgeries to achieve a face that allows her to look like this.

While everyone online is discussing whether it was worth it, more than 500 people have already gone and told the clinic: make me a face like Wang's. Since she cooperates with one clinic, it is believed that "that very" canonically fashionable face can only be made there. There you can even meet her in person and appreciate how natural she looks in real life.

She wasn't ugly to begin with, her lips were beautiful...

"After my first surgeries, my face was uneven and bumpy. Thanks to numerous corrective procedures, I finally achieved the perfect baby face. It takes half a year to recover. I've endured so much pain that the beauty I have now is well deserved," Wang said, sounding like encouragement to those who have had unsuccessful surgery the first time.

Wang's baby face has been recognized by the cosmetic surgery industry as the perfect model for a special look.

Just like her makeup style can be copied, many young women want to copy Wang's baby face.

There was also a story about this girl with a hundred surgeries. She got a baby face before it became mainstream

How much does it cost to look like a clone

At Wang's clinic, the cost of three hyaluronic acid injections in the face to give it elasticity is 38,888 yuan. To correct the shoulders like "Wang's", which allows clothes to sit more stylishly, will cost 25,888 yuan.

According to customer reports on social media, 517 people have already copied her baby face. It seems like she has her own clone army, like from Star Wars.

Jingjing, one of Wang's fans, claims to have spent over 60,000 yuan to achieve the baby face effect.

"I finally joined the Kingdom of Wang. After investing so much in my face, I realized that I can be beautiful and confident too."

And remember, I wrote about a student who makes himself a square face to look like Jack Ma from Alibaba

However, many Chinese are still rebelling. After all, simply copying someone's face is a complete rejection of individuality. But girls want to look small and fragile, because this is the ideal female image in China.

All this, of course, is not illegal, but extremely creepy. Now it is not necessary to have a brother or sister to have a twin.

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