Unrecognizable – Asians become “outlaws” after plastic surgery (5 photos)

3 June 2024

Plastic surgery in South Korea is good, one of the best, although simple. This is because there is a huge demand for plastic surgery here, so doctors have someone to work on. And practice is the path to mastery, but it only leads to unexpected problems.

A galaxy of people who cannot prove that it is them

Most often, scandals flare up at the airport when a customs officer compares a person and a passport photo. It happens that it is difficult to identify a person in bandages if he flies out of South Korea after plastic surgery, but the funniest thing is when you are not recognized some time after the operation.

In essence, identity cards become invalid because they lose their main function - identifying a person. People in their ID photos look much older, it’s as if a schoolboy in the USA bought documents to buy drinks, but in reality he looks about 16 years old.

Well, of course, they are magicians, but here the woman is still wearing makeup

The booger was given a certificate stating that she is a booger

When the problem became so serious that a couple of curious cases became a real disaster, South Korean surgeons came up with the idea of ​​issuing a “plastic surgery certificate” to each patient on the way. Just to prove to the police that it's really them.

Such a certificate must include the patient’s passport details, the name of the hospital, length of stay, and most importantly, the types of operations. Many migration services already officially accept them as evidence.

I would never be able to understand that this is the same person.

Patients also sometimes carry a selection of “before and after” photographs on their phones to convince guards at intermediate points.

But sooner or later you will still have to change your documents at home, and in some countries this procedure is paid. That’s why people, out of petty greed, are in no hurry to change their documents and walk around with such certificates all the time.

Many stars show their school photos to convince them that they DID NOT have plastic surgery. But for me they did that, look at my eyes!

China is on alert!

Most often, problems occur on the Chinese side. There is also a huge cult of the perfect nose, which is why in the last ten years the flow of “tourists with noses” to South Korea has increased significantly.

Like us, in China for some reason they think that what is done abroad is better, and that surgeons abroad will do better than in China. The flow of foreign “plastic” tourists has increased 20 times over 10 years! The South Korean plastic industry is only growing and expanding due to such global fame, thereby stifling the development of the same industry in China itself.

Every year, 20-25 women are detained who return from South Korea to China with plastic surgery, whose faces turn out to be unrecognizable.

Imagine, you had an operation and you can’t pay with your face! By the way, have you tried paying this way? I don't like

These are wealthy adult women aged from 36 to 60 years old, who get not only nose lifts, but also circular lifts, making them look 15 years “younger”. To be honest, the transformations after surgery are truly unrealistic, like two different people, not even close relatives.

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