Five life lessons from the novel "Gone with the Wind" (6 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
Today, 03:45

The heroine of the novel "Gone with the Wind" Scarlett O'Hara was very young when the war burst into her carefree life, overshadowed only by unrequited love. And she had to grow up quickly.

Generations of women have read the story of a stubborn and willful girl who goes against everything. And Vivien Leigh played her beautifully in the movie. So beautifully that she went down in the history of cinema first and foremost as Scarlett O'Hara.

The Art of Being Honest

"Why do you have to play dumb to get a husband?"

Scarlett, of course, is not an adherent of the truth and throughout the book lies like a hired hand to everyone she can. And thanks to her beauty and ability to play dumb at the right time, she got away with most of her lies.

She lied so often that when she finally tried to explain herself to Butler honestly and confess her love to him, he did not believe her. Rhett thought that this was all her usual manipulation.

A lie can be a very serious weapon, and honesty is a real art. Both can cause serious harm if you don't remember the consequences. A big lie can really ruin someone's life, or even more than one.

Live here and now, but remember the consequences

"I'll think about it tomorrow."

A phrase that probably everyone knows and it was Scarlett who said it, and from here we can conclude: live, but still think about the future.

Scarlett lived, as a woman would, a very rich, but at the same time unhappy life. She was unhappy with Charles Hamilton, indifferent with Frank Kennedy, anxious, but relatively happy with Rhett Butler. And all this time she truly loved only Ashley Wilkes.

Her eccentric character often came back to haunt her and she could make a decision about a new marriage only on the basis of a good kiss.

You need to live now, without regretting the past, Scarlett's example tells us. Do not regret what has already happened and do not dream fruitlessly about what will be. Pay attention to yourself and those who are near. And look for love among those who offer it, and do not fantasize about ephemeral relationships.

Weakness as a weapon

"I'm tired of exclaiming: "How amazing!", listening to all sorts of nonsense that some blockhead, who has half as much brain as I do, is talking. And pretending to be a complete fool so that men would be pleased to educate me and think God knows what about themselves."

Fragile, seemingly defenseless Scarlett, against whose background it is so easy to feel strong, brave, and victorious.

Sometimes it is worth being weak. Give a man a chance to prove himself, even if you understand perfectly well that you can handle and deal with all the problems on your own. But it's nice to know that you are needed, that you are strong and a good guy.

Of course, it would be better not to be with someone who needs to give in, but...

Public opinion cannot be a behavior modifier

"- Oh no! I can't! You shouldn't invite me. My reputation will be ruined.

- She's already in tatters."

How many times has she shocked society with her behavior, which differs from the strictest set of unspoken rules. Just one dance with Butler when Scarlett was in mourning and couldn't even think about dancing. Her reputation really suffered, but for the girl, what she wanted was always more important.

They want to think? Let them think. More often than not, society condemns those who are sure of what they are doing, even if it is "wrong". The dog barks - the wind carries.


"Women have such firmness and endurance that men can't even dream of - and I always thought so, although from childhood I was instilled with the idea that women are fragile, tender, sensual creatures."

These words belong to Rhett Butler and he is damn right. History knows many examples when women took on truly male responsibilities and coped with them perfectly. Butler, obviously an expert in people, chose the strongest of those he knew as his wife. Throughout the book, no matter what happened, Scarlett never gave up. She picked cotton, and repaired the old house, and sewed dresses from old curtains.

Each time Scarlett collected herself piece by piece and started life anew. Men, of course, love weak women, but this does not mean that you have to be one in reality.

Butler says in the novel that it is better to have a bullet in the forehead than a fool as a wife.

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