London's "Robin Hood": a thief threw money around in a supermarket during a robbery (2 photos + 1 video)

Today, 03:45

A daring incident occurred in a London supermarket, when a robber threw stolen money among customers.

The incident took place in a Tesco store in the Stratford area of ​​​​east London. The video shows how store employees helplessly watch the masked robber, who steals money from the cash register. The attacker appeared to be carrying a large bag filled with tobacco products and cigarettes.

During the robbery, one of the eyewitnesses, fascinated by what was happening, came closer and exclaimed "Yo!" in approval. Another shouted: "Give me a tenner!" The robber responded by throwing several banknotes through the slot in the till. At least five £5 notes, worth a total of £25, landed on the floor of the store, causing cheers among those present.

Social media users were quick to support the offender, commenting on the video of his robbery. Some nicknamed him "Robin Hoodie", while others joked: "Sharing is caring" and "Every little helps".

Tesco and the Metropolitan Police have not yet commented on the incident.

The incident comes as thefts from UK shops have risen to their highest level since 2003. Almost 444,000 crimes were recorded by police in England and Wales in the year to March, compared with 342,428 in the previous 12 months. However, experts believe the real number of thefts is even higher, as many shops do not even report the crimes and thieves operate without fear of being caught.

According to the ACS, retailers recorded more than 5.6 million thefts last year. Only 17% of the cases reported resulted in a prosecution or court summons. 58% of the cases were closed due to a lack of suspects.

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