Rescuers helped a humpback whale entangled in fishing gear (3 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Today, 03:45

The poor thing was spotted in Sydney Harbor, Australia, and it got tangled in fishing gear. However, the people from ORRCA quickly realized that the rescue operation would not be easy - well, at least because the whale did not want to cooperate.

They managed to attach a GPS tracker to the animal, but the tracking device fell off, and then night fell, so they had to take a break during the dark hours.

The next morning the whale was spotted again, and the chase began. Luke McSweeney, one of the rescuers, said that it was especially difficult because they came across an energetic, fast whale. They even had to attach orange floats to it to tire it out and slow it down. But the rescue was still successful. The tired whale was caught, after which all the fishing "garbage" was cut off with special blades on poles.

ORRCA added that it was amazing to see the freed whale swim away - such sights are the best reward for their work.

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