Sold flowers near the church: son did not eat for three days until his mother bought him an iPhone (2 photos + 1 video)

Today, 03:46

The teenager's attitude towards his mother has drawn a lot of criticism online. Netizens are accusing him of blackmail.

A teenager from India has gone on a hunger strike to blackmail his mother into buying him an iPhone. The bizarre incident was captured on video by the owner of a smartphone store last week. Journalist Abhishek also posted the footage, which has garnered over a million views, on his X (former Twitter) page.

The boy admitted that he had not eaten for three days to force his mother to buy him a new phone. The expression on the face of the woman who came with her son to make a purchase speaks for itself.

"I sell flowers near the temple, and I gave him money for a phone because he hadn't eaten anything for three days. I want him to earn money and return the money," she says.

The teenager's attitude towards his mother has caused a lot of criticism on the Internet. Thus, users accuse him of financial and emotional blackmail, as well as indifference to his loved one. Knowing that his mother makes a living selling flowers, he still insisted that she buy him a smartphone, although the woman could not afford this purchase.

Netizens were shocked and amazed by what they saw.

"Spending so much money on an iPhone when you don't work while your mom is making a hard living selling flowers doesn't make any sense";

"His mom gave up because he went on a hunger strike. I don't know what to say. This video broke my heart";

"A very sad video actually."

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