They're killing the grass: a homeless veteran received a fine for blowing soap bubbles (2 photos + 1 video)

Today, 03:46

Sandy Snakenburg lives on tips from his bubble shows. Recently, he was accused by park employees of spreading "liquid garbage."

The man puts on free shows and many people know him as "The Bubble Man."

"Bubbleology is the science, art, and magic of bubbles. I've been making them and making people smile for over 10 years," Sandy Snakenburg says.

According to the American, this "magic" can unite people of all ages.

"Huge bubbles! It was so much fun chasing them around, trying to pop them," said 13-year-old Adan after the man's recent performance.

Snackenberg's love of bubbles inspired him to create the non-profit organization Bubble World. He uses his truck not only for work, but also for living.

"I am a registered homeless disabled veteran. I do not use any of the programs offered to me. I am fully supported by this organization - 501c3," the American said.

The man now lives on tips from his bubble shows. He often performs in La Jolla Bay, and that's where he was on Saturday when park rangers gave him a ticket for his bubbles. They accused him of spreading "liquid litter."

"Basically, he said when my bubbles pop, the debris falls to the ground and kills the grass. I explained to them that I'm in full compliance. I'm registered with San Diego Parks and Recreation. I have insurance," Sandy added.

Snackenberg says the fine won't stop him from doing what he loves and sharing it with the community.

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