Celebrity diets that are best not to be repeated (9 photos)

Yesterday, 22:42

Sticking to a diet is very difficult for an ordinary person. After all, delicious food for us is one of the main sources of pleasure. But there are professions that require a person to be in perfect shape. For example, actors and actresses. To stay in shape, they use their own diets and tricks that you may have never even heard of. And we strongly advise you not to repeat them.

Renee Zellweger loses weight with ice cubes

If Renee Zellweger is thirsty, she drinks water; if she is hungry, she eats water. The actress who played the notorious Bridget Jones is not always happy with her appearance. In order to suppress her appetite, the star uses ice cubes. She chews them, and thereby deceives her body. We don't think this is at all useful.

Jennifer Lopez keeps fit with grapefruit oil

Jennifer Lopez applies a drop of grapefruit oil to her wrist. This is how she tries to deceive her body. When her appetite overcomes her, she simply inhales the smell of essential oil and imagines that she has eaten a chocolate bar. We give 0 out of 10 for this dubious and clearly dangerous method of combating excess weight.

Kelly Osbourne is losing weight thanks to the color of her plate

When the daughter of the great and terrible Ozzy Osbourne needs to lose weight, she doesn't change anything in her diet. Nothing but a plate. Kelly believes that you can lose weight by using dishes in contrasting colors. For example, she eats meat from a white plate, greens from a red one, and spaghetti from a black one. The girl adheres to research data, which states that the amount of food needed to satiate, if eaten from contrasting dishes, is significantly reduced.

Lady Gaga sheds pounds by drinking whiskey

Disclaimer: Do not repeat Lady Gaga's method, as it may be hazardous to your health!

The singer admits that in order to quickly lose a couple of extra pounds, she drinks a glass of whiskey, waits for a hangover and goes to the gym to really sweat on the exercise machines. Whether this technique works and how exactly is unknown.

Reese Witherspoon swaps adult food for baby food

When Reese Witherspoon believes that she has gained a couple of extra pounds, she immediately discards her usual diet and switches to baby food. And this does not mean the size of the portions, but the very product that is sold in small jars. Food for babies has fewer calories, it is hypoallergenic, and overeating is excluded.

Zoë Kravitz is on a clay diet

A spoonful of clay before any meal is the secret to Zoë Kravitz’s chiseled figure. But the clay, naturally, is unusual, but special, purified and safe. If you replace it with rock used in construction, you can be seriously poisoned by lead and arsenic.

Uma Thurman eats sweets and loses weight

Perhaps the most delicious diet is Uma Thurman's. To lose weight, the actress treats herself to sweets, but not ordinary ones. Thus, the celebrity consumes dark chocolate, low-fat pudding and fruit ice. You can stay on this diet for no longer than 5 days.

Beyoncé is having tea

The owner of one of the most attractive forms, Beyoncé also uses diets. One of them involves drinking water with green tea powder, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. The singer used the drink for 10 days and, apart from it, did not eat anything at all. The technique is very questionable, especially considering how much effort Bee spends on rehearsals and performances.

Christian Bale sat on the same menu for four months to lose weight

When Bale received an offer to play in the film The Machinist, the only obstacle for him on the way to the role for him was his weight. I needed to lose weight quickly and to the point of being a “living skeleton.” For emergency weight loss, Bale resorted to a diet that literally dried him out in 4 months. Throughout this time, he consumed only 3 cups of coffee, one apple and a can of tuna every day. As a result, the actor lost 28 kilograms. To support the body, Bale used a whole complex of multivitamins.

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