The blogger's girlfriend died after a romantic dinner (3 photos)

Today, 08:59

Billy LeBlanc woke up in the hospital and learned that his beloved Natalie Clark had died. The couple required medical attention after a gourmet dinner.

The social media star became famous for his YouTube channel Bratayleys, which talked about family life. The channel ceased to exist in 2019 when LeBlanc split from his wife Katie and then launched a new project.

"I'm sure none of you know, but I recently almost died. I spent 12 days in the hospital. Unfortunately, Natalie did not survive. I will always love and miss her. Take care of yourself and hug your loved ones, because you never know, when you see them for the last time,” he wrote on the social network.

“We both got vibrio vulnificus from raw oysters,” the man explained.

Vibrio Vulnificus is a rare bacterial infection that can be contracted from undercooked or undercooked fish and seafood. Vibriosis quickly leads to sepsis.

If the infection is not treated, it can be fatal. Symptoms of the disease begin less than 24 hours after eating contaminated food and include fever, chills, red skin or a rash that becomes painful, blisters, vomiting, diarrhea and rapid heartbeat.

Billy added: "We ate oysters and felt sick for a few days. Then I came to and Natalie was gone. I spent 12 days in hospital and 8 days in intensive care. I don't remember much - I was unconscious most of the time." .

He thanked his subscribers for their love and support.

The blogger's mother, Yvette Berthelot Leblanc, wrote: "Natalie died and Billy was very close to death. Please continue to pray for Natalie's son Julian, for her family and for Billy."

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