The Ukrainian Armed Forces hit a Russian S-300 in the occupied Donetsk region, - Syrsky

18 July 2024
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Defense forces hit a Russian S-300 missile system in the temporarily occupied Donetsk region. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Syrsky announced this on Facebook, Censor.NET reports. Thus, units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces missile forces, in cooperation with other components of the Defense Forces, attacked the S-300 complex.

“According to intelligence information, the defeat of the enemy’s radar station and launchers has been confirmed. More detailed information about the consequences of the strike is being clarified. It is worth noting that this is not the first successful joint work of Ukrainian missile specialists and representatives of other components of the Defense Forces against important military targets of the Russian Federation.

Previously, more than 20 launchers and about 15 radar stations had already been destroyed,” Syrsky emphasized.

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