Found your dream job in China (2 photos + 1 video)

Today, 04:11

The pay isn't much, but who wouldn't agree to work with friends like this for a week?

For 5 thousand yuan a month (550 dollars) they are looking for “savages” in the park on Baiyun Mountain.

Baiyun is a fabulous place with high mountains and lakes, virgin forests, quiet caves and natural oxygen bars. It’s in a place like this that they offer to work as a savage animator. The total area is 21.80 square kilometers, divided into 7 scenic spots including Moxingling, Mingchun Valley, Mingzhu Tower, Yuntai Garden, Yunxi Garden, Luhu Park and Sculpture Park.

Baiyun Mountain is rich in natural resources and is a rare "nature museum". 1075 plant species are registered here, 23 of them are rare and endangered. 170 species of birds, 185 species of insects, 43 species of amphibians, and various species of mammals and fish live there.

But let's get back to work.

The requirements for candidates are:

Have citizenship of the People's Republic of China;

2. Comply with the constitution and laws;

3. Support the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the socialist system;

4. Have good political qualities and moral qualities;

5. Physical conditions consistent with the requirements of the position.

Duties include walking around in “leopard skins,” frolicking in nature, and occasionally pretending to kidnap tourists.

Despite the fact that such work often attracts students, locals ask online whether you can become a savage if you are married or with children, and even offer to pay the park for the opportunity to jump through the trees in skins.

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