Runaway guards' horses raced across London in a fit of panic (7 photos + 4 videos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
6 July 2024

Six horses of the Household Cavalry, freed from their riders, caused chaos in the center of London, racing through the streets in a blind panic. A similar incident already happened in April: then three guards horses ran away and got into an accident.

This time six horses from the same regiment were training at Knightsbridge. One of them was scared of a London bus. The frightened horse got loose and bolted, and the rest galloped after it, throwing off their riders.

Horses rushed through the streets, crashing into cars. Eyewitnesses described how one of the animals, at full gallop, crashed into the hood of a taxi at an intersection.

The animals rushed from Seville Street to South Eaton Place, where one horse was caught. The two horses continued towards Vauxhall Bridge via Belgrave Road before being stopped. The map also shows the location of the incident in April - Wilton Crescent.

The military and police joined forces to stop the rampaging horses. One of them was caught in South Eaton Place, while the others were stopped at Vauxhall Bridge.

Fortunately, all the horses were collected and returned to Hyde Park Barracks by 9.55 am. One of them received minor injuries, but does not require treatment. The soldiers accompanying the horses were not injured.

The incident has raised questions about the safety of conducting military horse exercises in busy urban areas. An army spokesman said an investigation was underway to determine why the horses panicked.

The incident comes less than two months after three other House Cavalry horses broke loose during a training exercise in Belgravia.


They were seriously injured after being hit by cars.

All three horses returned to action after being restored, but the incident has led many to question the safety of continuing to conduct horse training exercises in central London.

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