What we haven’t seen: six sisters broke a world record, having lived for a total of 571 years (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Records, PEGI 0+
1 July 2024

To confirm their age and origin, relatives had to collect more than 100 documents, including birth and marriage certificates.

Six sisters from Missouri (USA) broke a world record and entered the Guinness Book of Records as centenarians with the longest total age - 571 years.

Norma Jacob recently turned 101, Lauren Kollmeier is 98, Maxine Cole is 97, Doris Griffith is 94, Margaret Norton is 90, and Elmi Jennings is 88.

In an interview, Cole said that the idea to apply for the record came from her nephew Dean, the son of her older sister Norma.

“He just decided we fit the bill and went in to see it through,” the grandmother said.

To participate in the competition, in order to confirm their age and origin, relatives had to collect more than 100 documents, including birth and marriage certificates, school certificates and photographs.

According to Ms. Cole, she and her sisters grew up during the Great Depression and experienced many important events together and saw much of everything.

“We have always been close and have maintained excellent relationships. Some have moved to other cities over time, but we still get along well, constantly communicate, even travel together, in particular we were in Washington,” says the record holder.

Talking about how they managed to maintain a strong connection for so many years, the centenarian recalls her upbringing, the influence of her parents and religion.

“We were taught to go to church, asked to be kind, always support and love each other, no matter what happens. We try to do that,” Cole explains, adding that she is very grateful for the opportunity to get into the book of records, because it opened up for her new world.

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