A shaved cat is a sick cat. Why can’t you cut your pet’s hair even in the fiercest heat? (7 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
1 July 2024

With the onset of heat, a lot of people call pet salons with one single request. “Cut our Murka’s hair, it’s so hot outside, she, poor thing, is suffering!” — literally every third person complains into the phone. A goldmine for the cat groomer? Not at all! A competent specialist will never cut a cat's hair without the testimony of a veterinarian.

According to all modern data, it is absolutely forbidden to shave cats just like that! No matter how greedy groomers or false articles on the Internet convince you otherwise, no! Shaving carries with it a whole bunch of unpleasant consequences. We’ll tell you which ones now.

This is not a creative haircut, but a form of mockery.

Firstly, cutting can cause your pet to overheat. Paradoxical, right? This is because cats cool down completely differently than we do. They do not know how to sweat with their whole body - instead, woollens produce sweat with their paws and, like dogs, sometimes stick out their tongue. Wool plays the role of an insulating layer. Like a thermos, which, regardless of the conditions around it, maintains a stable temperature inside. In addition to overheating, cutting can cause skin burns. Wool protects not only from heat, but also from sunlight. If this barrier is removed, the sun will bake the pet’s sides once or twice.

Believe me, your cat is a little lion. At least with a haircut, at least without!

Secondly, if you shave a cat, it can freeze and catch a cold. The animal wears a fur coat all its life, and everything is comfortable, and then suddenly you undress it. Any body gets used to constant conditions: yesterday it was normal to lie under the air conditioner, but today without hair - hello, sore kidneys.

- Excuse me, young man, could you close the window? It's very windy. — But it’s +30 outside...

Thirdly, haircuts have a tremendous impact on the psyche of the animal. A trip to a pet salon, some incomprehensible (and sometimes unpleasant!) manipulations, a scary buzzing machine, strangers around, other cats nearby, a bunch of unfamiliar smells, bathing and combing - horror! For cats, such a kaleidoscope of events is fraught with severe stress and subsequent deterioration in health if it is not stable. And if they also give you anesthesia during a haircut, turn out the lights altogether!

I spent my whole life growing a fur coat so that some idiot woman could shave it off for me?!

But even this is not all. In addition to the stress of the trip, the animal receives a huge blow to its sensory system. Dogs and cats have sensitive vibrissae hairs all over their bodies. These are the same mustaches as on the muzzle, only a little smaller and grow less frequently. However, the functions are identical: they inform the cat about the position of its body in space relative to other objects, about the breeze, about changes in atmospheric pressure and, they say, even about approaching earthquakes. Shaving hair with a clipper at 0 deprives the animal of a whole separate system of senses.

- Mom, come out, I’m not dressed! - Oh, what didn’t I see there!

Let's summarize: you can't just shave cats. To prevent the animal from suffering from the heat, take it to the salon to comb out its old fur, then the fur will begin to “breathe” and perform its thermal insulation properties even better. Buy the animal a cooling mat or install an air conditioner - anything is better than turning the cat into an insensitive disabled person.

The amazing process of cat budding!

There are only three exceptional cases when shaving is possible. Firstly, when the wool has become so tangled that it is impossible to wash and comb it out. Secondly, you can help old cats who find it difficult to groom themselves with hygiene: slightly trim the hair under the tail, in the armpits and on the belly. And thirdly, veterinary procedures that require clipping.

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