Almost like in the Suez Canal: a cargo ship from Latvia blocked the river in the UK (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Ships, PEGI 0+
1 July 2024

A massive 80-metre cargo ship has been stuck for a day in the River Nene in Cambridgeshire. And a lone excavator tried to “dig it up”.

A huge 80-meter cargo ship, the Baltic Arrow, loaded with timber, is stuck in a river in Cambridgeshire. And it vividly reminded everyone of the blockage of the Suez Canal in 2021. But here the delay was not so long and dramatic: the cargo ship was refloated in the evening. But this procedure still attracted a whole crowd of onlookers on the shore.

The cargo ship got stuck in the Nene River on the morning of June 25. And the captain reported that the ship had run aground.

Baltic Arrow, a ship built in 2002, was sailing from Riga (Latvia) to the port of Wisbech with a cargo of timber.

The cargo ship is flying the St. Kitts and Nevis flag and has six crew members and two local pilots on board. There were no reports of injuries or damage. But the situation itself has already been described as “rare.”

A port spokesman said the grounding appeared to have occurred due to low tide, with part of the vessel in contact with the shore. They reported that the ship would be refloated during the next flood and a tug would be used.

"The river bottom here is very soft and muddy and the vessel is designed to run aground safely, so we are confident there will be no problems," Wisbech Port said. This is what happened in the late afternoon, when the cargo ship continued on its way to the applause of the spectators gathered on the shore.

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