Well, and the stink: the cat decided to bury the owners’ IQOS

29 June 2024

The cat expressed his opinion about IQOS, the tobacco heating system, as briefly and succinctly as possible. The pet decided that the terrible smelly muck needed to be buried urgently.

Smoking is very harmful to health, as the Ministry of Health regularly reminds us of. Because of this, enterprising manufacturers have begun to produce less harmful alternatives for smokers, such as the IQOS heated tobacco system. However, they also have a number of disadvantages.

Besides the fact that the safety of such a system is highly questionable, its smell is the stuff of legends. And not in a positive way at all.

Now imagine what it will be like for cats with their sensitive sense of smell if you use this system with them. Therefore, the fluffy guy from the video tried to convey to his owners by all means available to him that they should give up this bad habit.

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