A farmer punished a tourist who camped in his field (6 photos + 1 video)

26 June 2024

An angry Jack Bellamy noticed the stranger and said: "I'll tell you what, these *****s will pitch a tent anywhere." The farmer prepared a surprise for the guest - he doused him with manure.

Bellamy gets into his tractor and drives next to the intruder, releasing a stream of slurry.

A man dressed in a red jacket and white hat frantically tries to zip up his tent and then hides.

Jack, 29, shouts: "I'll tell you what, boy, have a taste of this."

Jack, a third-generation farmer from Devon, UK, commented: "I left him in the slurry. He didn't say a word. I couldn't argue with that. They come from the cities and think they can do whatever they want."

This is not the first time the Briton has encountered an uninvited guest; moreover, there are two campsites just half a mile from his property.

"The tourist just didn't want to pay. I'm sure he had a good evening, but he was unlucky in waking up. He must have heard the tractor approaching and got out of the tent. I said: 'You won't stop in other people's fields again.' And then I went on to work."

“When my father arrived later, the tent was gone, as was the slurry. It’s scary to think how it smells now.”

Jack, who has 200 cows and 650 sheep, added: "There's 50,000 acres of Dartmoor nearby and he decided to camp in my field. He wouldn't like it if I camped in his garden. They don't know anything about farming." . They probably think that food grows in a factory."

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