A “real Mowgli” is growing in an Indian village (3 photos)

26 June 2024

Samarth Bangari was returning from school and spending time with the animals, playing with them in the yard next to his house. His unusual friendship with primates gave him a special status in his native village.

The boy Samarth Bangari from India amazed local residents when he spent time with monkeys for several days in a row. People nicknamed the baby "the real Mowgli" and believed that she was the "reincarnation of God."

In 2018, adorable photographs of Samarth Bangari first emerged showing him playing with a group of over 20 monkeys in the remote village of Allapur. The baby shared his food and played with the primates, who came right into his yard, trying to snatch tasty treats from his hands and pockets at every opportunity. Some of the most daring animals even entered his bedroom to wake him up.

After lunch, when Samarth was returning from school, he saw the animals patiently waiting for him outside his house. The kid rushed to the kitchen to fill his pockets with food and distribute it to the primates. Their bond was so strong that the parents did not mind leaving their little son among the monkeys for several hours at a time.

Samarth's unique friendship earned him a special status in the village, where the locals considered him a "blessed" child. His parents Sunil, 44, and Nanda Bangari, 41, said that people believed their baby was the reincarnation of Lord Hanuman, the monkey god of the Hindus.

"He plays with them, feeds them homemade food. The monkeys love him and even when he pulls their tails, the animals do not harm him. People in our village are amazed by Samarth's unusual connection with the monkeys, and some even call him the reincarnation of Lord Hanuman from “Because of the great affection the primates have for him. They take care of him and never harm him. I trust the animals and allow my son to play with them alone while I do housework,” said his mother.

Samarth's parents explain that his friendship with animals began when he was just six months old and a monkey snatched food from his hand.

"There are many monkeys in our village Allapur and they are usually friendly because we offer them food and allow them to roam around our houses. They gathered in large numbers after seeing him eating and one of them suddenly approached him and snatched the food “Surprisingly, Samarth did not cry, but began to gesture towards the monkeys. From that day on, the monkeys began to visit our house every day. We became accustomed to their presence and our son’s wonderful relationship with them,” added the boy’s father.

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