Famous women from different generations at the same age (16 photos)

21 June 2024

How we look depends on many factors: genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, self-care. Today, the beauty services market offers many anti-aging procedures, so it would seem that people should look younger and younger with each generation. Is it so? We compared photographs of famous women from different eras for clarity.

Jane Fonda and Jennifer Lopez at 52

Diana Ross and Naomi Campbell at 49

Sissy Spacek and Blake Lively at 36

Jessica Lange and Kate Beckinsale at 46

Helen Mirren and Charlize Theron at 48

Charlotte Rampling and Heidi Klum at 50

Meryl Streep and Rachel Weisz at 53

Cher and Kate Hudson at 43

Barbra Streisand and Anne Hathaway at 41

Frances Fisher and Rachel McAdams at 45

Sally Field and Scarlett Johansson at 38

Susan Sarandon and Gwen Stefani at 52

Goldie Hawn and Gwyneth Paltrow at 51

Sigourney Weaver and Reese Witherspoon at 48

Jane Seymour and Nicole Scherzinger at 45

Anjelica Huston and Kate Winslet 48 years old

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