A cat with a mustache has become a social media star and a thief of women's hearts (7 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
21 June 2024

An ordinary mongrel cat named Alberto from the Mexican city of Torreon has become a real Internet star and is able to charm any local cat. And all thanks to his unique “mustache”.

The appearance of an amazing pet

Alberto came to the house of Claudia Machado, a 27-year-old Mexican woman, as a very small kitten. Before this, the girl lived alone for two years and was very bored in the evenings when she returned from work. Her friend found out about this and decided to surprise Claudia - give her a pet. His family just had a cat who had recently given birth to lovely kittens.

One morning the guy called Claudia and said that he was bringing a kitten with a mustache. At first, the girl was even amused by her friend’s words. “Every cat has a mustache,” she thought, “what’s so surprising about that.” But as soon as the girl saw this handsome man, she became convinced that her friend was right. The appearance of the little pet caused a storm of emotions in the girl.

A white cat with black spots on its head and back and a black tail had one characteristic feature. Right under his nose there was a black spot that resembled a mustache. Claudia immediately noted that the cat looked like Hitler and even wanted to give him that nickname.

However, after thinking, the girl decided to choose a special name for her pet. She named him Alberto, like a real Mexican macho. In addition, this ancient Latin American name symbolizes nobility, flamboyance and celebrity. This is how a cat with an outstanding appearance and a human name got a loving and caring owner.

Four-legged pet

Now Alberto is an adult cat who loves to eat and sleep. Fluffy behaves very independently and nobly. He can play, caress and purr gratefully for a long time, moving his paws and cuddling up to his owner. But he does this only when he is in the mood. Otherwise, the animal prefers to rest in silence.

The girl notes that she and the cat have very similar characters, so they get along well together. Now Claudia doesn’t have to be bored in the evenings. And also, looking at the photo of her pet, the girl noted that he was very similar to the literary character Hercule Poirot, and not at all like Hitler.

Thanks to his unique face, Alberto has become very popular and receives many compliments on social networks and in everyday life. So the nickname given to this handsome guy fully corresponds to his behavior. This is truly a real Mexican macho - noble and famous.

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