Crowded parking lots with unsold Tesla electric cars visible from space (1 photo)

17 June 2024

Parking lots near Tesla's Texas plant are filled with electric vehicles, while parts of the area were empty last fall. It is assumed that the recession in the electric transport market led to overstocking.

The publication compared satellite images of the Tesla plant in Texas for the current March and October 2023, coming to the conclusion that the company's inventories had sharply increased. According to Tesla’s official report on its activities for the first quarter of 2024, the company, having collected 433.3 thousand electric cars, was able to sell only 386.8 thousand. Apparently, part of the unsold 46.5 thousand cars is stored in the parking lots around the enterprise.

One of Tesla's top managers then made a forecast that in the second quarter the situation would improve and demand for electric vehicles should recover. However, in early May it was reported that, for example, Tesla sales in China were declining even against the backdrop of the overall growth of this market segment.

Tesla is currently implementing a global staff reduction campaign to reduce operating costs. Employees are being laid off around the world, with the firm's ultimate goal being a reduction of around 10%. At the same time, the company has already managed to invite back some of those fired, including the managers of the Supercharger division.

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