The Chinese are unhappy with the rapid updates of Chinese cars (3 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
13 June 2024

Photos from a protest rally that Aito M7 owners staged near one of the dealerships in Wuhan went viral on the Chinese social network Weibo. They stretched out ribbons with slogans, from which the main reasons for their discontent became clear. The main thing is the too quick restyling of the hybrid against the backdrop of long waiting times for deliveries.

Aito presented the M7 hybrid SUV in the summer of 2022. In the fall of 2023, the model was updated, and on June 1 of this year another restyled version entered the market. The latter outraged the customers so much that they came out for a demonstration. In two years - two modernizations at once.

According to the protesters, they waited for their cars for more than three months. For another couple of months, newly minted car owners were able to drive crossovers, and then restyling broke out, and their cars instantly became obsolete.

One of the M7 owners stated that the dealer, upon purchase, promised him a restyled model would be released no earlier than in a year, but the manufacturer decided otherwise, releasing a more modern and richly equipped variation. In addition to this circumstance, Aito M7 owners are unhappy with the poor after-sales service.

The local press notes that the dealership employees did not conflict with the protesters, offering food and umbrellas to the protesters to protect them from the rain.

The Aito brand was created as part of a joint project between Huawei and the Seres concern. The M7 SUV, with a length of 5020 mm, has a wheelbase of 2820 mm and is offered with five or six seats. The crossover is equipped with a hybrid installation with one electric motor producing 272 hp. With. or two, developing 449 hp. With. In both cases, a 1.5-liter internal combustion engine is responsible for generating electricity. Price - from 249,800 to 329,800 yuan.

The total number of dissatisfied Aito M7 owners can reach 180 thousand people, since this model is on the list of Chinese bestsellers. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, the crossover sold almost 70 thousand copies.

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