In Kyrgyzstan, quarry workers found the remains of a mammoth (4 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
10 June 2024

On June 2, during work in the floodplain of the Jyrgalan River in the Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan, a tusk and fragments of the lower jaw of a mammoth were discovered. At the request of the Ministry of Culture, archaeologists arrived at the site.

“During the inspection, it became known that fragments of the tusk and lower jaw were found in the sand and gravel deposits of the quarry at a distance of 140-150 m from each other at a depth of 3-5 m,” officials said.

Archaeologists had to take special care to ensure the safety of the bones.

“The bones do not remain in their original form for long and quickly deteriorate when exposed to sunlight. Due to poor preservation, specialists were able to extract only part of the skull. The fragments were cleaned and preserved on site,” the press release notes.

"The discovery of remains at two different locations in the same quarry indicates that the area may be promising for future finds."

“We call on the country’s citizens to ensure the safety of historical and cultural heritage sites and to report the discovery to government agencies and archaeologists,” the officials added.

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