For the first time in the history of test launches, the Starship was able to successfully splash down in the Indian Ocean (1 photo + 3 videos)

Category: Space, PEGI 0+
10 June 2024

The previous three attempts ended in failure.

The American company SpaceX announced the first successful splashdown of the Starship super-heavy ship prototype in the Indian Ocean. It is noted that an hour after launch, the camera on the ship stopped broadcasting; it was damaged by falling off skin panels. Elon Musk also said that the flaps were damaged, but the ship continued to transmit data and successfully completed the flight.

Let's add that Starship is a reusable two-stage system, which consists of a Super Heavy launch vehicle and a Starship ship. It is noted that the splashdown of the Super Heavy booster, which separated from the ship three minutes after launch, in the Gulf of Mexico was also successful.

Let us recall that the previous three attempts to launch the Starship prototype ended in failure. The first two test launches ended in explosions at the start of the ship. The third attempt, which took place on March 14 of this year, was considered the most successful until today - the ship took off, but after 49 minutes upon entering the atmosphere, contact with it was lost.

Naked Science notes that thanks to the Starlink satellite system, which also belongs to Musk, SpaceX was able to obtain impressive video of the ship’s descent through the atmosphere. And this is the first footage of this kind in the history of mankind.

According to SpaceX's previously announced plans, the Starship will be able to be used both in manned flights into low-Earth orbit and to carry out missions to the Moon, Mars and more distant celestial bodies. It is assumed that the Super Heavy rocket and Starship will be able to perform a vertical landing on Earth, and their reusable use will help significantly reduce the company's costs. The total height of the super-heavy space system is 121 meters (50 meters - Starship, 71 - Super Heavy), carrying capacity - 100-150 tons.

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