An enemy tank that crossed the border of Ukraine ran over a mine, tried to return to Russia and explodes after being hit by a kamikaze drone

8 June 2024
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The operator of a kamikaze drone from the 92nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade named after Koshevoy Ataman Ivan Sirko destroyed an enemy tank that crossed the Ukrainian-Russian border several hundred meters. As Censor.NET reports, a video recording of the actions of border violators and the successful attack of a Ukrainian soldier has been published online.

“A Russian tank crossed the state border with Ukraine, automatically signing its own death sentence. It drove several hundred meters, ran into a mine, turned around and became a victim of the pilots of the Achilles battalion of attack unmanned aerial systems of the 92nd separate assault brigade. Everything is fine with the crew too - it burned down,” the author of the publication notes in a comment.

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