Soldiers of the 92nd Specialized Brigade destroyed a tank, ARV and armored personnel carrier of the invaders

12 April 2024
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Soldiers of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after chieftain Ivan Sirko destroyed a Russian T-62 tank and an armored repair and recovery vehicle. In addition, our soldiers hit an armored personnel carrier-82, two Bukhanki, a Ural and wounded 4 invaders.

According to Censor.NET, a video recording of our soldiers working on enemy equipment was published on social networks.

To maintain the pace of the offensive on Chasov Yar, the occupiers are even bringing in rare equipment, including the T-62 tank, which was destroyed by the ACHILLES attack battalion of the 92nd Special Brigade.

In one day, pilots using FPV drones destroyed 2 and hit 4 units of enemy equipment, 4 occupiers were wounded.

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