How spouses with large differences in height and weight live (5 photos + 1 video)

6 June 2024

Cassandra Gaspar and her partner Westin, who is 165cm tall, complain of social rejection due to their large height difference. The couple is constantly mistaken for mother and son.

The lovebirds, who met on Tinder in 2017, insist the ridicule did not derail their romance or marriage.

Cassandra, 29, says she actually likes to embrace her height (178cm). A Plus Size woman even wore high heels on the first date, because for years she felt like a “black sheep” due to the fact that she was so much taller than her peers.

“At the age of 20, I accepted the fact that I couldn’t change. Now I mostly wear heels,” she admitted.

As for Westin, 32, he insists that height has never been a hindrance in his personal life, but there is plenty of criticism.

"People come up to my wife and say, 'How can you be with him? He's so short." They joke that I look like her purse or call me her son. In fact, it's a blessing. If I can't get something from a high shelf, guess who I call?" - the man laughs.

People can lose a life partner because of such prejudices, but lovers say that will not be the case in their case.

"Short men have a bad reputation. There is a stereotype that a woman cannot be with a partner who is shorter than her. This is nonsense! I am a boxer and I can protect my wife no matter how tall I am," Westin said.

Cassandra added: "There are a lot of tall women married to short men. No one is surprised by this now and says, 'Wow, I just found a rare coin.' Love is love no matter what."


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