Life has become hell: residents of an elite town forgot about peace due to the invasion of crows (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
6 June 2024

Since last year, almost ten cases have been recorded, with bald men predominantly becoming victims of attacks.

Residents of the affluent "town" of Dulwich in south-east London (UK) live in fear due to a series of brutal crow attacks.

Birds that are overprotective of their young are most likely to attack passers-by on Townley Road. Since last year, almost ten such cases have been recorded, with bald men predominantly becoming victims.

Experts explain that the nesting season for crows occurs between spring and early summer each year - during this time they can become aggressive, protecting their chicks from potential threats. Research has shown that crows can recognize human faces and even select specific targets to attack.

Bridget Furst, chairwoman of the Dulwich Residents' Association, went to the scene last week after a number of complaints from frightened people and witnessed one of the attacks herself.

“I saw a woman running away with a baby in a stroller. She ran so fast that we couldn’t even talk,” says Furst, who advises local residents not to walk down the street with food and to take umbrellas with them for self-protection.

By the way, the Dulwich area is considered one of the most prestigious in the British capital; such celebrities as Hollywood star Tom Cruise, former BBC newsreader Huw Edwards and ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher lived there.

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