Princess Diana's personal letters will be auctioned (7 photos)

3 June 2024

Letters and holiday cards sent by the Princess of Wales to one of her housekeepers are set to fetch six figures.

The collection includes letters from Diana and Prince Charles' wedding in 1981, as well as 14 Christmas and New Year cards from 1981 to 1995. The messages are addressed to Maud Pendry, former housekeeper at the Spencer family home at Althorp in Northamptonshire.

One letter, handwritten in black ink on royal letterhead, is dated September 8, 1982, and describes the honeymoon with Charles as "a huge success - we had a great time."

Prince Charles and Princess Diana aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia during their honeymoon on August 1, 1981 in the Strait of Gibraltar

In another message, shortly after the birth of her first child, Diana calls herself an "extremely proud and happy mother."

"William has brought us such happiness and satisfaction," she added.

In a note on Balmoral Castle letterhead dated September 1982, the princess thanks Maude for the gift to her son: "We are so touched and delighted by your wonderful cardigans. Thank you so much for spoiling William, he doesn't deserve it! Take care of yourself, with much love, Diana"

On July 13, 1983, the princess wrote: “As the helicopter took off from Althorp we flew over your house and I was wondering if you saw me waving to you? ...and Sarah [Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York] baby is so cute with very long fingers."

Charles and Diana separated in 1992, which Queen Elizabeth II called a "terrible year" (annus horribilis).

The letters and cards will be offered by Julien's Auctions in Beverly Hills on June 27.

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