A murderer who had been awaiting sentencing for 43 years will be executed in the United States (4 photos)

27 February 2024

They petitioned for the criminal several times to change the measure of restraint. However, the sentence remained the same: death penalty.

Thomas Creech from Ohio is a serial killer who killed several people in 1974. He was convicted of three murders in Idaho, one in California and one in Oregon. The criminal himself claims that there were many more victims (different figures appear in the media - from 20 to 40), and some of the murders were of a ritual nature, but the investigation there was no confirmation of his words.

In 1981, Creech's lawyers managed to commute the sentence to life imprisonment, but the convict apparently did not want to smoke heaven for so long. While working as a prison cleaner, he got into an argument with another prisoner and beat him to death, after which there was no talk of any life imprisonment.

Since 1981, Creech has been on death row in a prison in Idaho. He is considered the main “old-timer” of the prisons of this state, because... None of the death row inmates waited so long to be sentenced. During this time, he managed to avoid scheduled execution 11 times, the Idaho Statesman reports.

At the end of 2023, when his sentence was finally signed, Creech asked for clemency. A special commission decided the fate of the convicted person. The voices were divided, but the majority decided that it was time for the criminal to pay with his life for the suffering that he caused to people.

The refusal to pardon also came from the Idaho Supreme Court, which greatly disappointed Creech’s lawyers, who insist that he is loved in prison, he has long realized everything and repents. They say, who needs the execution of an old man and is it worth dirtying his hands with this?

“If his sentence is commuted, he will return to a general security prison, where he will have greater access to prisoners, putting them at risk,” prosecutors said, explaining the verdict.

Meanwhile, the sentence is to be carried out on February 28 - at the time of justice, Thomas Creech will be 73 years old. The execution will be carried out by lethal injection.

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