Retiring: 20- and 30-year-olds began to move into nursing homes in China (3 photos)

3 June 2024

The morning at the establishment begins with coffee at the bar, followed by a meditation session on the mountain. After lunch, the residents of the house engage in farming, fishing in the river and preparing dinner in the common kitchen. Evenings bring the community together around the fire for drinks, conversation, mahjong and karaoke.

In China, young people between the ages of 20 and 30 have begun to move into nursing homes. They are looking for peace and relaxation from work there.

Nursing homes in China are no longer just for the elderly. Recently, a new trend has emerged where young people under the age of 30 are "burned out" at work and are looking for a place where they can "retire".

The majority of nursing home residents now are young people between the ages of 20 and 30. They do not intend to live here for the rest of their lives, but are looking to take a break from work and careers.

"Some people may wonder why these young people are 'retiring' so early, but many people in their thirties feel lost. I was once one of them," said Lu Leilei, 32, who opened the house elderly care facility in Yunnan province, which began operations earlier this year.

At Lou's, the morning begins with coffee at the bar, followed by a meditation session on the mountain. After lunch, the residents of the house engage in farming, fishing in the river and preparing dinner in the common kitchen. Evenings bring the community together around the fire for drinks, conversation, mahjong and karaoke.

At the entrance to the premises there is a banner with the inscription: “Lie down, please.”

Unlike traditional senior living services, these retreats are similar to communal families where people work for the common good.

Lu's establishment offers 12 bedrooms and charges residents a monthly rent of 1,500 yuan ($200).

At another nursing home in Hebei in northern China, owner Li Xiaolan does not charge residents fees but requires them to contribute to the upkeep and development of the home.

In contrast, traditional nursing facilities require a minimum monthly fee that averages 5,000 yuan ($700), Phoenix Weekly reported.

Meanwhile, more people, inspired by the Fire movement, are planning their path to permanent retirement in their 30s and 40s. On Chinese social media platform Douban, the "Fire lifestyle" group has amassed more than 230,000 members.

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