Tibetan method of cleaning karma, which only a few can master (12 photos)

3 June 2024

Traveling around the East, visiting countries where Buddhism is practiced, you can meet crawling, arching people on the streets. Oh no, don't be scared and don't offer to help them. Everything is fine with them! They are busy with an important task, cleaning karma through prostration.

Prostration Ritual

Prostration is a unique and difficult way of purifying karma and accumulating earthly merits for rebirth in the next life. Such rituals are performed by Buddhist monks and nuns near sacred places, such as temples and mountain ledges, as well as at home in front of the altar. Desire is important here!

The prostration technique is a certain sequence of actions:

1) before you start, you need to clear your thoughts, set clear goals and read mantras;

2) place your palms folded in the shape of a closed lotus to the top of your head, chin and heart;

3) completely spread your arms;

4) kneel down;

5) lie on the ground with your whole body, touching your forehead. It is at this stage that the energy component of the body is completely cleansed and energy channels open.

Sequence of the ritual

This ends the prostration. After which you need to mark the place where your palms touched the ground and stand up, performing all the steps in reverse order. Then walk the distance over which his body was stretched out. Afterwards the practice is repeated.

It is important to remember: 1) prostration must be performed with a straight back, otherwise after rebirth there will be physical deviations; 2) you cannot lean on the ground with your fists, otherwise after rebirth you will end up in the world of animals.

Prostration Ritual

The highest stage of prostration is when the pilgrim does not think about performing the right actions, and the mind, energy, emotions, awareness of his own body are one. As they say, at such a moment it is no longer possible to say for sure whether he is performing the prostration consciously, or whether this is all an unconscious action.

Thus, monks and nuns have passed and continue to travel from Tibet to India. And this is almost 2000 km along the road for a second! What an excerpt! After this, it is not difficult to believe the story about the Teacher Lama Tsongkhapa, who lived in the 14th-15th centuries.

Lama Tsongkhapa

He paid great attention to the practice of prostrations and performed about 3.5 million of them. Lama Tsongkhapa tore his arms, legs, and knees into blood, leaving an imprint of his body on the floor of the temple. Now it is a place of worship for Buddhists all over the world.

Lama Tsongkhapa

It is believed that in addition to cleansing karma, prostration helps get rid of sins, such as pride, and also helps strengthen the body and fight disease. When performing this practice, blood circulation and metabolism improve, the muscles of the heart and blood vessels are strengthened, which prevents the occurrence of stroke and cancer.

In addition, stretching helps keep yourself in good physical shape. After all, as we know: “movement is life!” You can also set goals, make wishes, and everything will definitely come true.

The main thing to remember is that you need to perform prostration with joy, perform all actions correctly, directing energy in the right direction. It is not the quantity of prostrations that is important, but their quality.

Would you dare to undertake such a practice of cleaning karma?

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